To Spar

Chapter Eighteen. Aimé and Jean-Pierre take to the boxing ring.

Johannes T. Evans
23 min readNov 7, 2020


It seems to Aimé Deverell that there is very little point to life, except for what pleasures can be enjoyed before the grave. Life is short — thank God — but at least there’s enough in the world to dull the senses in the meantime.

That philosophy shatters like glass when he meets Jean-Pierre, an angel.

Powder and Feathers is a fantasy fiction serial following the lives of three fallen angels newly arrived back to Dublin. If you are already holy, must you try to be good?

Table of Contents

Content warnings for this chapter: alcoholism, undernegotiated kink


He’d been drinking less, he realised.

In the past few weeks, he’d gone back to drinking wine almost exclusively, and although he’d bought a bottle of vodka a few weeks ago, it had gone untouched in the back of his cupboard at home — he’d only drunk a little of the one he had at the angels’ house.



Johannes T. Evans

Gay trans man writing fantasy fiction, romance, and erotica. Big on LGBTQ and disability themes, plus occasional essays and analysis. He/him.