Little Demons: Chapter Three

Johannes T. Evans
14 min readJun 30, 2020
© Johannes Evans 2019

Velma Kuroda, a student in Art History, finds her side interest in antiques becomes abruptly more central when her aunt decides to hand over her business. That business involves demonic infestations, run-of-the-mill hauntings, and other supernatural occurrences that might require a specialist — Velma has to learn to adapt as quickly as she can.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four

Velma had grown up in Glasgow, but when her father’s shop had gone under, at about the same time her mother had been made redundant, they’d moved down south to Nottingham, to be closer to Aunt Ginchiyo in London, as much as all the other reasons. The bulk of Daisuke’s stock had been sold off for much less than it was worth to accommodate the move, and now, he ran a little cake business at home.

She’d hated it, at the time, having to move away from home and have to put up with all these new children, missing her friends, having to deal with English people all the time, but now…

She didn’t know if she’d go back to Glasgow, once she had her degree. She’d used to say she would, when she was a kid, but she liked the convenience of London, liked being so close to her parents and to her brother, in case anything went wrong, in case they needed her. It was important to be on hand, if she was needed.



Johannes T. Evans

Gay trans man writing fantasy fiction, romance, and erotica. Big on LGBTQ and disability themes, plus occasional essays and analysis. He/him.