Hunger At Sea

Erotic short. A sailor turns out to have met one of the ship’s passengers before.

Johannes T. Evans
29 min readJun 24, 2024


The cover for this issue of SBB, by the incredibly talented Prosodi.

This piece is part of this issue of the Shousetsu Bang Bang, Issue 109, The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea! Make sure to go and check out the entries by the other many talented authors and creators contributing! You can read this piece in SBB 109 here.

Rated E, 7.3k, cis M/M. Age of sail, a Jewish sailor and a vampire. Featuring some biting, some D/s and age dynamics, power dynamics, dirty talk, and anal!

Every part of his body aches as Goode makes his way up the stairs and up onto the deck. Every time he climbs them, these days, they seem steeper than he remembers, his thighs burning with the effort of ascending them, his shit hip all the shittier for it, but as soon as he shoves open the door and meets the brisk sea air, it’s a balm for all fucking wounds. Goode inhales deeply, tastes salt on the back of his tongue, and nudges the door closed behind him.

“Mr Goode, sir,” says Gillett, who’s on watch, and he stands to attention as Goode comes past him, giving him a nod.

They all know him by reputation if not by sight, all the young officers on this fucking ship, but it still makes the skin on the back of his neck prickle as he limps past the other man, leaning on his cane without the…



Johannes T. Evans

Gay trans man writing fantasy fiction, romance, and erotica. Big on LGBTQ and disability themes, plus occasional essays and analysis. He/him.